Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week 2 of the Challenge

Week 2 of the Challenge
First off, I'm sorry I didn't manage to make a post last week. I will continue to try to make a post on Saturdays. Anyway, the first week of the challenge was pretty good, but then I went back up in the second week. I don't know why I seem to hit these points where I stagnate, and one of them is around 295. It is almost as hard as getting below 300 was. Still, Lord willing I will persevere. 

It has been an interesting week. I'm taking two classes that are going to be able to help me pursue my health goals. I'm taking a Lifetime Health and Fitness class, where I'm excited to be able to get some real stats on my health. Plus a Health Determinants class where we are discussing the science behind how to change habits. Both classes should give me some real opportunities to continue to look at my health, and improve my health on many levels. More on that later. This is a great opportunity to use what I'm learning.

The great things that have happened in the last two weeks since school started: I've been planning meals and packing them, I haven't let up on going to Orange Theory, in fact I'm increasing the number of times I go a week, and I've started consistently taking the stairs at school. The bad: I had some high stress last weekend, some trouble adjusting to the sleep schedule, and a few binging  moments, mostly on sunflower seeds. During the stress I had an urge for sweets and combatted that by going to the gym, which was a great change in habit. 

Goals for the next week: Make a plan for what I'm going to do for the next, and more important weight loss challenge, continue with menu planning and meal prep, and add some extra exercise throughout the week. Finally, to make sure I do a blog post again in a week. Until then, have a blessed week, and continue to pursue your own health. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Challenge!

I'm sorry it has been so long since I've posted here, but the busy life of a student is my excuse. I will commit to posting once a week in the new year. Be looking for my posts on Saturdays. Today I am starting a challenge posted by a friend. It is an opportunity to win cash prizes for losing weight and getting fit. I have to admit that I went off plan over the holidays. Okay, not crazy off plan. I still went to Orange Theory on Thanksgiving, but I took a break from it for about a week and a half around Christmas. I did my first workout of the New Year on the 1st, and I'm happy that is the way my New Year has started. My weight has kind of been holding just under the 300lb mark, fluctuating between 296-299. I'm hoping the challenge helps me change that.
I've had a lot of people asking me about my blog, and I appreciate all the people who are on this journey with me. I feel like I'm constantly adjusting and shifting the plan to see what is working. In the end I will have the plan that works for me, and probably others. I almost feel like my body constantly needs to be shook up. I fall into a routine all too easy. From working out to diet, my body likes to regulate and stay where it is at. I guess that's where the scientific law of motion comes in, a body in motion stays in motion. That being said, rest was a good thing over the holiday break and I'm ready to get back at it.
A cousin of mine passed away suddenly this week, and I have to say, as with any sudden death, it has made me hyper aware of just how short a time we have here. I don't have time to waste on things that don't matter. Instead my time and energy are valuable, and I need to use them as a precious resource. I'm sure I haven't always been mindful of that, and I'm sure there will be moments when I still don't treat my life that way, but I have a goal in my sights, and I have every intention of reaching it.
Interesting, I have a definite goal, but it cannot be easily defined because I do not yet know what it looks like. My immediate goals are to get into OSU and complete my bachelor's degree in Kinesiology, and while I'm in the process of that get to a normal, healthy weight. I cannot guess what that weight is except to know what would be a normal bmi range for my height. I believe I should be around 140 lbs. A number that is fairly inconceivable to me since I haven't been that size since middle school or so. The bottom line is it isn't only a number, I'm aiming for an active, healthy, lifestyle. It is something I wish I had done sooner, but didn't have the motivation, inspiration, determination, and healing to have done sooner. All things come at the right time, and this is my time. I will be healthier at 50 than I was at 18, I know because I am not letting this go.
Finally, just a few milestones to share: I recently did a workout at Orange Theory where I only had to modify one thing! That was an amazing change. I'm getting up and down off the floor now without problems, and I can be on my knees. I still get back pain when there is a lot of rowing, but my back is getting stronger. Currently I'm eating vegan and loving it, my energy level is up and inflammation is down. How could that not make you feel better? I will likely be sharing some yummy recipes as I find ones I want to share with you. Meanwhile, I hope you are pursuing your health in this new year!
One last thing--I shared my pictures above that are for the new challenge I'm on, but I'm also sharing a "before" picture I found recently. I think in this picture I may be around 380?, I had quite a bit of time where I was too big for my scale, and that is somewhere over 350. I know at least once I went to the doctor and I was 380, so in my mind that is the heaviest I've ever been, but it is possible that it is even more than that. Anyway, it is nice to see the progress from that pic to the ones above.

Wow, I dropped the ball--Sorry! I am back, and ready to share.

 It has been so long since I wrote a post here, 2 years and 5 months to be exact. My journey admittedly kind of stalled for a time. It never...